End Of Research Tasks

Once you have completed NEA Tasks 1-13 you have finished the research phase of your coursework.

Hopefully, through completing these tasks, you will have developed a better knowledge and understanding of film magazines, their covers and contents pages and the websites that accompany them.

When we return after the half-term break we will be commencing the planning phase of your NEA.

NEA Task 13 : Research Into Existing Film Magazine Websites

You are now ready to complete the final task in the research stage of your NEA.

What To Do

Visit the websites of each of the film magazines that you have looked at for your research so far. These can be accessed by clicking on the links that follow.

For each website make notes about what you find.

You have been given a lot of direction with previous tasks but, this time, you are on your own a little bit more.

My advice, however, would be to take screen shots of the home page and add these to PowerPoint slides, making annotations as appropriate. I would probably suggest at least 3 screen shots for each website.

Focus on any cross-media convergence that you can see between the website and the magazine as well as the content of the website and how it tries to appeal to its audience.

Sight and Sound

Little White Lies

Film Stories

NEA Task 13

Create a post for your blog titled:

NEA Task 13 : Research Into Existing Film Magazine Websites

Add your annotated PowerPoint slides to this post.


Tuesday 6th June at 9:00am

NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages

For your set brief you will have to plan and produce not just the covers for the first two editions of your film magazine, but also the contents pages. Your set brief states that you can either produce a single or double page for this aspect of the NEA. 

For NEA Task 12 you will be deconstructing the single page contents pages for the editions of Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories that you have already analysed.

What To Do

Look through the contents pages below from Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories

What comments can you make about these contents pages? Think about things such as:

  • are they single or double pages?
  • the layout of the different elements on the page
  • the different sections of the magazine that are shown in the contents pages
  • the actual content - what can be found inside the magazine?
  • the use of typography - font, size, use capitalisation/lower case, text direction, etc
  • the use of images
  • the use of page numbers

Sight and Sound Contents Page (June 2022)

Sight and Sound Contents Page (March 2023)

Little White Lies Contents Page (July/August 2022)

Little White Lies Contents Page (Nov/Dec 2022)

Film Stories November 2022

Film Stories March 2023

NEA Task 12

Create a post for your blog with the following title:

NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages

Copy and paste the images of the contents pages above into your blog post.

Write a summary of what your analysis of the contents pages has taught you - you do not need to provide annotated screen shots.

You could include each of the bullet points further up this page as a sub-heading.


Tuesday 6th June at 9:00am

NEA Task 11 : Research Textual Analysis of Film Stories Front Covers

Film Stories is a monthly film magazine published by the British Film Institute (BFI). 

Thinking Point: what messages does the title of the magazine communicate? 

Thinking Point : what is the strapline* for Film Stories and what does this communicate?

*A strapline is not the headline often found on the front cover of a magazine. Nor is it the masthead — the title of the magazine. Instead, it’s a short phrase some magazines (not all) use to encapsulate their ethos, their readership, and their reason for being.

Film Stories began in June 2018 as a podcast and website, founded by Simon Brew. He was the founder of entertainment website Den of Geek and launched the magazine after raising more than £113,500 through crowdfunding and private investing

Since then, it’s expanded to include a monthly film magazine (Film Stories, launched November 2018), live reader events, and most recently, Film Stories Junior magazine (launched July 2019).

The producers of Film Stories explain that its aim "is to celebrate the movies, just zeroing in on the smaller rooms in the multiplex and the bigger screens at independents."

According to its producers, each issue of the magazine features:

  • At least 100 pages of news, reviews, features, interviews and mayhem
  • Writers you’ve not met before, with opportunity for new talent at the heart of the magazine
  • A mix of films you’ve heard of, and films you haven’t! All of which we want to hoist on our shoulders
  • Regular columns on filmmaking, screenwriting and mental health
The magazine does not have an ABC certificate 

Thinking Point: what messages does the title of the magazine communicate?

The magazine costs £5.99 and is available from some newsagents as well as via the Film Stories website.

Thinking Point: what does the price point of this magazine communicate?

Film Stories Front Cover Analysis

You will find images of 2 front covers for Film Stories; these are for the November 2022 and March 2023 editions.

For each cover, make notes in relation to the following questions. (You do not need to post anything to your blog at this point.)

November 2022

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

March 2023

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

NEA Task 11

Create a post on your blog titled:

NEA Task 11 : Research Textual Analysis of Film Stories Front covers

In this post present your analysis of the front covers from March 2023 and November 2022.

You should do this as a combination of visuals and text.


The end of period 4 on Thursday 18th May or 9:00am on Tuesday 23rd May.

NEA Task 10 : Research Textual Analysis of Little White Lies Magazine Front Covers

Little White Lies was established in 2005 as a bi-monthly print magazine committed to championing great movies and the talented people who make them.

Thinking Point: what messages does the title of the magazine communicate? What does the phrase 'little white lies' mean'?

Thinking Point : what is the strapline* for Little White Lies and what does this communicate?

*A strapline is not the headline often found on the front cover of a magazine. Nor is it the masthead — the title of the magazine. Instead, it’s a short phrase some magazines (not all) use to encapsulate their ethos, their readership, and their reason for being.

Combining cutting-edge design, illustration and journalism, Little White Lies has been described as being “at the vanguard of the independent publishing movement.”

The magazine states that "Our reviews feature a unique tripartite ranking system that captures the different aspects of the movie-going experience. We believe in Truth & Movies"

Before its launch the producers of the magazine stated that they wanted to create "a magazine that captures the excitement of talking about movies with good friends by bringing together impassioned, intelligent writing with striking illustration".

The magazine has since become renowned for its independent ethos and iconic covers and each issue of the magazine dedicates its entire front section to an upcoming theatrical release, drawing inspiration from the themes and visual tone of the carefully selected film. 

The back section of the magazine features essential reviews of the latest movie releases, plus exclusive interviews, festival reports and more.

Thinking Point: what does the magazine's editorial mission (see below) tell us about it as a publication?

Little White Lies states the following about its editorial mission:

"Since 2005 Little White Lies has been covering both mainstream and independent cinema from all around the world with top quality journalism and illustration. We aren’t afraid to speak our minds on the films we love (and sometimes hate), and want to offer our readers the chance to hear from a multitude of voices from all walks of life, regardless of writing experience. We’re invested in beautiful films and the people that make them, and want to create and curate writing and illustration that reflects this."

The magazine does not have an ABC certificate.

Thinking Point: what does the price point of this magazine communicate?

The magazine costs £8:00 at point of purchase and is available from some newsagents as well as via the Little White Lies website.

Little White Lies Front Cover Analysis

You will find images of 2 front covers for Little White Lies; these are for the November/December 2022 and July/August 2022 editions of the magazine.

For each cover, make notes in relation to the following questions. (You do not need to post anything to your blog at this point.)

November/December 2022

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

July/August 2022

  • What is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

NEA Task 10

Create a post on your blog titled:

NEA Task 10 : Research Textual Analysis of Little White Lies Front covers

In this post present your analysis of the front covers from November/December 2022 and July/August 2022.

You should do this as a combination of visuals and text.


The end of period 4 on Thursday 18th May or 9:00am on Tuesday 23rd May.

NEA Task 9 : Research Textual Analysis of Sight and Sound Magazine Front Covers

Sight and Sound is a monthly film magazine published by the British Film Institute (BFI). 

The British Film Institute is a film and television charitable organisation which promotes and preserves film-making and television in the United Kingdom. The BFI uses funds provided by the National Lottery to encourage film production, distribution, and education.

This famous magazine celebrates the art of cinema and TV worldwide. It also runs the once-a-decade poll of the greatest films of all time.

Unlike other film magazines, it features expert film analysis and essays. It also includes in-depth reviews, interviews, and articles on cinema history.

Thinking Point: what messages does the title of the magazine communicate?

The magazine costs £6.50 and is available from some newsagents as well as via the BFI website.

Thinking Point: what does the price point of this magazine communicate?

The magazine's ABC certificate below shows that the average circulation of the magazine in 2022 was 15,493 per issue.

Sight and Sound Front Cover Analysis

You will find images of 2 front covers for Sight and Sound; these are for the June 2022 and March 2023 editions.

For each cover, make notes in relation to the following questions. (You do not need to post anything to your blog at this point.)

June 2022

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

March 2023

  • Who is the feature of the main coverline and what can you find out about this person and the film that is linked to them in the coverline?
  • Which other people are named on the front cover and who are they?
  • Apart from names of people/specific films, what other topics related to film are featured on the front cover?
  • What comments are you able to make about the masthead?
  • What comments can you make about the use of images?
  • What comments can you make about typography on the front cover?
  • What comments can you make about the composition and layout on the front cover?

NEA Task 9

Create a post on your blog titled:

NEA Task 9 : Research Textual Analysis of Sight and Sound Front covers

In this post present your analysis of the front covers from March 2023 and June 2022.

You should do this as a combination of visuals and text.


The end of period 4 on Thursday 18th May or 9:00am on Tuesday 23rd May.

NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

In your previous post you will have copied a profile of Sam, a typical member of your target audience.

Within this profile 3 film magazines were mentioned that Sam would be more likely to read. These are Film Stories, Sight and Sound and Little White Lies.

Using the internet, what can you find out about each of these publications?

  • Who publishes it? 
  • How often is it published? 
  • How much does it cost? 
  • What does a typical cover look like? 
  • Does it have a website? etc.

NEA Task 8

Create a post on your blog titled:

NEA Task 8 : Research Into Existing Film Magazines For A Media Literate Audience

Using the notes you have made, write a brief introduction to each magazine.

You should NOT enter into any textual analysis of the magazine at this point.


4:00pm Today (unless you have a period 7 lesson)

NEA Task 7 : My Target Audience

On their website Bauer state that:

We are guided by regular research and analysis of our markets and target groups, which allows us to understand our readers, users, listeners, and advertisers and know exactly how to engage, inform and entertain.

The target audience for your film magazine and website are a primarily 16–25-year-old middle and upmarket media literate audience.

What is a media literate audience?

The core concept of media literacy is intelligent engagement, as both a user and a creator, with media and technology. 

A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze, and produce both print and electronic media. 

Media literate audiences think critically, become smarter consumers of products and information, recognize perspectives, identify the role media plays in our culture, and understand the intent of the content created by producers.

If you are media literate you would respond to a media text in an active way, engaging with and considering messages that are communicated rather than just accepting them.

What would the profile of a typical member of my target audience look like?

Your reader is likely to be a 16-25 year old from a middle to upmarket social background. They are media literate. For the purposes of this profile your target reader will be referred to as Sam and non-gender specific pronouns (they/them) have been used.

Read through the profile of Sam below.

Target Audience Profile

Sam may be in the Sixth Form studying A Levels and preparations for university. If Sam is already at university they are likely to be studying at a Russell Group university and following a course that is recognised as being traditionally academic. If Sam is employed they may be at the start of their career and, therefore, not at the height of their earning potential yet.

Sam’s family background will have added significant cultural capital to their experiences. Sam will have been brought up in a household where there has been a clear focus on the importance of education and the opportunities that this can bring. Sam will have experienced holidays both in this country and abroad and their knowledge of other cultures will have been enhanced by this.

Sam is knowledgeable about current affairs but doesn’t access news via traditional channels such as newspapers or television. Sam would not dream of reading the red top or middle-market tabloids. If Sam had to, they may flick through The Guardian or i. 

To keep updated on what is happening in the world Sam, like most others of their age, relies more heavily on their social media feeds. Social media is important to Sam but it doesn’t dominate their life. They are more likely to use Instagram and Tik Tok than Facebook and will be as interested in consuming as they are in producing content. Sam likes to be seen as slightly different to the average 16-25 year old and has an active interest in learning about the world around them. Sam is interested in reality television programmes such as Love Island but is likely to see it as escapist fun rather than a guide to how they should live their life.

Sam will make use of online sources such as Huffington Post, a site that features content from more than 100,000 bloggers (from politicians, students and celebrities to academics, parents and policy experts) who contribute in real-time on the subjects they are passionate about. 

Sam is interested in all aspects of culture. They are interested in reading and are likely to always have at least one book by their bedside. Sam is more likely to read fiction than non-fiction and is able to hold a conversation regarding what they like and dislike in a narrative. Sam will enjoy music but doesn’t follow the crowd. Sam is interested in new music and takes pleasure in listening to artists that their friends may not have heard of yet. Sam is likely to be interested in attending festivals alongside friends. 

Sam will take an active interest in film and is just as likely to stream content as visit the cinema. Sam enjoys watching Hollywood blockbusters but is just as likely to seek out the latest independent film. Sam is interested in all aspects of film-making and not just the end product and, because of this, is more likely to read film magazines such as Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories than more mainstream magazines such as Empire and Total Film.

Sam has some disposable income but is still conscious of the need to save. Fashion is important but  they are not a sheep who follows the same trends as everyone else. Sam will be seen by their friends as a trend setter and not a follower of fashion.

Sam is interested in issues that affect young people of the same age. These would include climate concerns and the impact of human beings on the environment.

NEA Task 7

Create a post for your blog with the following title:

NEA Task 7 : My Target Audience

In this post you should provide answers to the following questions:

  1. Why is target audience important to Bauer?
  2. What is a media literate audience?
You should then add a sub-heading of Target Audience Profile and copy/paste the profile of Sam from above.


2:10pm today


If you finish this before the deadline use any gained time to ensure that you blog is fully up to date.

NEA Task 6 : Understanding Audience (Mass Market)

One of the most important pasts of your research, and subsequent planning, will be an understanding of audience.

From your previous post, for example, you will have considered how Empire magazine ensures that its magazine and website appeal to its core readership through the selection and combination of media language elements.

You will now be asked to complete a task which requires you to look at another, mass market* film magazine and its website.

*A mass market, also known as undifferentiated market, is a large group of current and/or prospective customers, where individual members share similar needs. 

Onscreen magazine, and its accompanying website, launched in July 2013 and is distributed free-of-charge in over 70 independent cinemas nationwide. 

What is an independent cinema?

The majority of cinemas in the United Kingdom belong to one of the big cinema chains such as Cineworld, Odeon or Vue. 

However, there are several hundred other independent cinemas. These can be seen by clicking here.

Going to the cinema has become big business again following the disruption caused by Covid-19 and in 2022 643 million cinema tickets were sold in the UK.

Independent cinemas show a mixture of big-budget and independent films on a smaller number of screens. Some people choose to watch films at an independent cinema as it is more convenient whilst others do so because they wish to support independent companies.

What is OnScreen?

OnScreen is an independent film magazine and website.

Copies of the magazine are provided free-of-charge at independent cinemas around the country.

The magazine also has a website and pdf version of the magazine can be accessed there alongside other film related information.

Browse the website and look through the most recent edition of OnScreen magazine. 

NEA Task 6

Create a post for your blog titled:

NEA Task 6 : Understanding Audience (Mass Market)

Access the website for OnScreen by clicking here.

Copy and answer each question as fully as possible. You must use screen shots to illustrate your responses.

  1. What is a mass market audience?
  2. What is an independent cinema?
  3. What is OnScreen magazine?
  4. What different sections are there on the OnScreen website and how do these sections appeal to a mass market audience?
  5. How does the latest edition of OnScreen magazine (May/June 2023) appeal to a mass market audience?
  6. What is meant by the term cross-media convergence?
  7. Is there any cross-media convergence* between the magazine and its website? 


12:40pm today (the end of this double lesson)

NEA Task 5 : How Does Empire Appeal To Its Target Audience?

You have learned some key information about the target audience/readership of Empire.

  • three-quarters male 
  • aged 18-40
  • employed
  • in a relationship (although not necessarily married)
  • university educated 
  • time-poor
  • passionate about film 
  • they use cinema as escapism or insight into other worlds
  • they are also key influencers in their group of friends and within their family — no-one would dream of seeing a film without their recommendation
  • they now have access to cinematic content 24/7

Find one image of a front cover of Empire published in the last 18 months. 

1. Add this to a PowerPoint slide and then make notes around it explaining how this front cover would appeal to the target audience of Empire. 

Refer back to the bullet points above and try to find evidence for these.

Remember to use magazine terminology in your notes - masthead, main image, cover line, copy, colour palette, typography, etc.

2. Visit Empire's website and browse. Take some screen shots and add these to the following slide(s) of the same PowerPoint. Again, how does the content on the website appeal to/reflect Empire's readership? Make some annotations.

NEA Task 5 

Create a post on your blog titled:

NEA Task 5 : How Does Empire Appeal To Its Target Audience

Take screen shots of the slides you have produced and add them to your blog as images.


The start of our lesson on Tuesday 9th May.


NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

Bauer currently publishes one of the UK's most popular film magazines; Empire.

Bauer produces a Media Pack for Empire. This is a pdf document that can be accessed by potential advertisers who are interested in finding out more about the magazine and whether or not it is a suitable place for them to advertise.

You need to access a copy of the media pack for Empire by clicking here.

Read through the media pack, making notes on the information contained within it.

NEA Task 4

Create a post on your blog titled NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

Answer the following 2 questions:

  1. Using your notes, write a summary of what you have learned about Empire from its media pack. This could include what the magazine says about itself, what it says about its readership (audience) and how the magazine can be accessed by this readership.
  2. Refer back to remind yourself of the target audience for your set brief; is this different or the same as the readership of Empire? If it is different, how is it different?


9:50am (the end of period 1 in our double lesson)

NEA Task 3 : Research Into The UK Magazine Industry

You have conducted some research into Bauer Media Group. Through this research you will have found out that Bauer are one of the leading publishers of magazines in the UK and that one of the titles they publish includes Empire; one of the UK's most popular film magazines.

You now need to investigate a little more widely in order to find out about the challenges and opportunities facing the magazine industry in the UK.

There are 4 links below which will take you to a range of sources providing relevant information.

Use these sources to make notes relating to the magazine industry in the UK.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

You do not need to use any other sources than these but can do so if you wish.

Once you have made notes, complete the task below.

NEA Task 3 

Create a new post on your blog titled NEA Task 3 : Research into the UK Magazine Industry

Using your notes, write a post of no less than 300 words which provides an overview of the UK magazine industry.

This could include information about who the major publishers are, which are the most popular magazines, challenges and opportunities, etc.

The purpose of the task is to ensure that you show an understanding of the media sector that you will be preparing to launch a new magazine into.


4:00pm today (Wednesday 3rd May)

NEA Task 2 : Research into Bauer

As explained in the introduction to your set brief, you will be producing the front cover and contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new film magazine that is being launched by Bauer and two pages for the working website for the magazine.

  1. Using the internet, conduct your own research into Bauer Media Group. Make notes.
  2. Visit the publishing page of Bauer's website by clicking here. Make notes on the information provided here. This must include information about publishing generally, their best-known brands and must also include facts and figures.

NEA Task 2

Create a post for your NEA blog titled NEA Task 2 : Research into Bauer

Using your notes, write 250-350 words in which you set out the findings of your initial research into Bauer.


This post should be published by the end of this lesson.

NEA Task 1 : Introduction to Set Brief

Your set brief is explained below.

Further information will be shared as this is relevant.

Set Brief : Magazines and Online

Requirements of the brief

You work for an independent media production company. 

You have been given the task of producing the front cover and contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new film magazine that is being launched by Bauer and two pages for the working website for the magazine.

Contents pages can be either single or double page spread.

The web pages must promote the new magazine to its target audience and enable fans to interact with the content.

Summary of brief requirements:

Statement of Intent (approx. 500 words) : to be completed after research phase of NEA.

Magazine covers and contents pages: Two or three pages for each of the first two editions (based on choice of single or double page spread).

Magazine distribution method: Content must be suitable for retail distribution.

Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.

Cross media production target audience: A primarily 16–25-year-old middle and upmarket media literate audience.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.

NEA Rules

The following rules MUST be adhered to:

  • Do not reproduce an existing media product. 
  • Group productions are not allowed. Others may act in or appear in the production and/or may operate lighting, sound, recording or other equipment under your direction.
  • You MUST only use original footage, images and/or text within your production. 
  • You MUST NOT use any found images.


Create a first post for your NEA blog titled NEA Task 1 : Introduction To Set Brief

In this post copy and paste the Requirements of the brief, Summary of brief requirements and NEA Rules from above.


You have 15 minutes to complete this task

NEA Introduction

Your NEA (Non-Examination Assessment) will be marked out of 60.

This represents 30% of your final Advanced Level Media Studies Grade.

It is essential that you maintain a clear record of the following:

  • Introduction to your set brief
  • Research relevant to set brief
  • Planning for your own production work
  • The production and post-production process

Deadlines will be set and must be met.

All evidence must be maintained on your blog. If it is not on your blog, you have not done it.

Getting Your Blog Ready For Submission

Your blog will be where the moderator goes to see your completed work together with your research and planning. It is important that you rem...