NEA Task 13 : Research Into Existing Film Magazine Websites

You are now ready to complete the final task in the research stage of your NEA.

What To Do

Visit the websites of each of the film magazines that you have looked at for your research so far. These can be accessed by clicking on the links that follow.

For each website make notes about what you find.

You have been given a lot of direction with previous tasks but, this time, you are on your own a little bit more.

My advice, however, would be to take screen shots of the home page and add these to PowerPoint slides, making annotations as appropriate. I would probably suggest at least 3 screen shots for each website.

Focus on any cross-media convergence that you can see between the website and the magazine as well as the content of the website and how it tries to appeal to its audience.

Sight and Sound

Little White Lies

Film Stories

NEA Task 13

Create a post for your blog titled:

NEA Task 13 : Research Into Existing Film Magazine Websites

Add your annotated PowerPoint slides to this post.


Tuesday 6th June at 9:00am

Getting Your Blog Ready For Submission

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