NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages

For your set brief you will have to plan and produce not just the covers for the first two editions of your film magazine, but also the contents pages. Your set brief states that you can either produce a single or double page for this aspect of the NEA. 

For NEA Task 12 you will be deconstructing the single page contents pages for the editions of Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories that you have already analysed.

What To Do

Look through the contents pages below from Sight and Sound, Little White Lies and Film Stories

What comments can you make about these contents pages? Think about things such as:

  • are they single or double pages?
  • the layout of the different elements on the page
  • the different sections of the magazine that are shown in the contents pages
  • the actual content - what can be found inside the magazine?
  • the use of typography - font, size, use capitalisation/lower case, text direction, etc
  • the use of images
  • the use of page numbers

Sight and Sound Contents Page (June 2022)

Sight and Sound Contents Page (March 2023)

Little White Lies Contents Page (July/August 2022)

Little White Lies Contents Page (Nov/Dec 2022)

Film Stories November 2022

Film Stories March 2023

NEA Task 12

Create a post for your blog with the following title:

NEA Task 12 : Research Into Film Magazine Contents Pages

Copy and paste the images of the contents pages above into your blog post.

Write a summary of what your analysis of the contents pages has taught you - you do not need to provide annotated screen shots.

You could include each of the bullet points further up this page as a sub-heading.


Tuesday 6th June at 9:00am

Getting Your Blog Ready For Submission

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